A second project funded by Horizon 2020 and dealing with the once-only principle was successfully launched: The Once Only Principle Project (TOOP) undertook its kick-off meeting in Tallinn, Estonia from 25 to 27 January 2017.
12 Jan 2017
The German Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe has proposed further digitization in healthcare, including tele-medicine, data infrastructure and personalized medicine as key steps towards improving Germany’s healthcare system.
9 Jan 2017
After agreeing to cooperate on a joint medical data exchange platform, Estonia and Finland are getting ready to start sharing data in 2017. This major step aims at enhancing the quality of healthcare in both countries, giving access to all relevant medical data to doctors and patients alike.
14 Dec 2016
Austria plans setting up comprehensive new e-government tools to facilitate the communication between citizens and public administration. The burdensome, direct contact between citizens and authorities could soon become mostly obsolete.
22 Nov 2016
Greater collaboration between government departments and a 24/7 access to public services through mobile devices are just some of the principles of Malta´s new strategy.