18 Sep 2017
Belgium has passed a ‘once only’ law on May 5th 2014 which obligates public authorities to reuse data instead of asking citizens and companies to share data more than once.
17 Aug 2017
The EDPS's opinion paper on the Single Digital Gateway discusses the once-only principle and its key issues relating to data protection. In general, the EDPS supports the idea of the once-only principle - under certain conditions.
11 Aug 2017
Malta has introduced its new National Data Strategy at SEMIC 2017 Conference in Valetta. This strategy also promotes the once-only principle.
7 Aug 2017
Our project proudly presents its first public deliverable. In the document we have defined our vision of the once-only principle for citizens in Europe for 2020. To realise this vision, a number of key enablers have to be in place and EU member states have to overcome certain barriers.
11 Jul 2017
TOOP has published a paper discussing a new architecture for the once-only principle. They will be reusing existing EU frameworks and building blocks to successfully incorporate OOP across the European Union.
1 Jul 2017
On July 1st 2017, Estonia took over the Council of the European Union for the first time. They will focus on digitalization – and on the once-only principle.