BITKOM, the Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media in Germany, surveyed 1000 citizens over the age of 14 to ask them about their digital service needs and wants.
The most prominent findings are:
26 Sep 2018
12 Feb 2018
About four months after the general, national election in Germany took place in September 2017, the three political parties CDU (Christian-Democratic Union), CSU (Christian-Social Union), and SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) have set out their coalition agreement for the next grand coalit
5 Feb 2018
The German County Association ("Deutscher Landkreistag") published a position paper on the digitisation of public administration. One of the five demands towards the federal level claims the implementation of the once only principle.
9 Oct 2017
The Council highlights the once-only principle among its top 10 priorities. It specifically addresses the problem of base registries in Germany - read more about it here.
12 Jan 2017
The German Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe has proposed further digitization in healthcare, including tele-medicine, data infrastructure and personalized medicine as key steps towards improving Germany’s healthcare system.