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Area of Policy Recommendation Responsible Actors Policy Recommendation Nr. of Roadmap Action Funding Requirements Leagal Requirements Research Requirements
Organisational Interoperability EU policy makers, EU legislators Creating digital learning agreements between EU universities OA.10 Provide financial resources, in form of an EU-project, in order to create further bilateral digital learning agreements Research and identify further bilateral digital learning agreements between EU universities with the participation of relevant actors
Technical Interoperability National policy makers, National legislators Development and implementation of basic national registries in order to simplify digital data exchange TA.5 Provide financial support, in form of national projects, for the development of basic registries Research and identify possible basic registries in different domain in order to simplify digital data exchange
Data protection and privacy National policy makers, National legislators Implementation of the common data protection standards for national data exchange DPA.1 Financial support for the research activities to implement common data protection standards Research activities to identify national common data protection standards (in accordance with the GDPR) for coherent national data exchange
Political Commitment National policy makers, National legislators Clarification of competences needed for digitalisation by fostering OOP PA.1 Funding required of the research activities to identify legal barriers., Organisation of Workshops with national policy makers and experts to identify common fields of OOP-based digitalisation interests. Differential analysis to compare actual status quo and future targeted status under the perspective of maximal implementation of OOP
Semantic Interoperability National policy makers, National legislators Implementation of harmonised national legislation in the EU Member States in order to provide meaningful (cross-border) data transfers including a clear organisational structure LA.1, LA.3, LA.6 Provide financial support for the research activities in order that national legislation can be harmonised Research activities to the extension of how national legislation can be harmonised to a sufficient degree in order that there can be meaningful data transfers including the identification of unclear organisational structures on national level and how to o