Please select the domain you are interested in and choose the sorting aspect of your choice.

Area of Policy Recommendation Responsible Actors Policy Recommendation Nr. of Roadmap Action Funding Requirements Leagal Requirements Research Requirements
Interoperability Governance National policy makers, National legislators Improvement of semantic interoperability and machine readability in order to use semantic assets IGA.4, IGA.5 Provide financial funding for the interoperability and machine readability Research and identify the implementation of machine readability in order to improve semantic interoperability and identify national guidelines for clear organisational, legal, semantic and technical solutions to increase sufficient capabilities
Citizen-centred design National policy makers, National legislators Legal implementation of citizen’s right to demand from public agencies what information is registered on a person and free decision, which data are personally released for OOP-use Funding should not be necessary if the measures are secured by law. Research activities on data level are required – which data are used (and stored) for which transaction?
Data quality National policy makers, National legislators Implementation national legislation for a common data quality procedure at member state level DQA.4 Provide funding for multiple national projects for enhancing data quality procedures Research activities on the identification of quality procedures on national level based on the study of DQA.3
Political Commitment National policy makers, National legislators Overcome the trade-off between data protection and data openness (open government data) Legal clarification of the requirements of data protection to not be a burden for OOP-based digitalisation. Overwhelming data protection has the potential to eliminate or at least slow down the multi-use of personal data out of different sources.