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Area of Policy Recommendation Responsible Actors Policy Recommendation Nr. of Roadmap Action Funding Requirements Leagal Requirements Research Requirements
Data protection and privacy National policy makers, National legislators Implementation of mandatory technical modules for any OOP (cross-border) services in order that citizens can give or withdraw their consent DPA.2, DPA.3 Provide financial support for the implementation of technical solutions concerning mandatory modules for data sharing Research activities for the implementation of technical solutions concerning the mandatory modules for data sharing
Organisational Interoperability National policy makers, National legislators Provision of information and services on national portals and information systems in at least two different languages (in addition to the SDG regulation) OA.9 Provide funding, in form of several national projects, to provide needed information in at least two different languages Provide information and services on national portals in at least two different languages in order to remove language barriers
Interoperability Governance EU policy makers, EU legislators Launch EU level projects and pilots for further establishment of eInteraction building blocks for secure cross-border data exchange IGA.1 Provide financial resources, in form of an EU-project and furthermore pilots, for building eInteraction building blocks Research and identify possible EU-wide enablers and infrastructures
Data quality EU policy makers, EU legislators Identification and implementation of measures for ensuring quality of (new) data in general and for crossborder data exchange DQA.1, DQA.2 Provide funding for multiple crossborder projects for ensuring data quality and developing mandatory digital registries Research in the direction to identify measures for ensuring quality of new data in order that cross-border data is correctly recorded in mandatory digital registries
Semantic Interoperability EU policy makers, EU legislators Entering and creating more bilateral digital learning agreements between EU universities OA.10 Provide financial resources, in form of an EU-project, in order to create further bilateral digital learning agreements Research and identify further bilateral digital learning agreements between EU universities with the participation of relevant actors