New eGovernment Factsheets 2018 have been published
The eGovernment factsheets have been published by the European Commission’s National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO), which is operating with the support of the ISA and ISA² Programmes. The factsheets offer a comprehensive overview of policies and activities related to the implementation and the delivery of digital public services in 34 countries (28 EU countries, FYROM, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey). The factsheets are produces in collaboration with national eGovernment experts. They provide a unique tool to identify input and practices in the field of eGovernment policy in particular and the modernisation of public administration in general. Each national eGov factsheet is composed of a country profile; the most significant changes and progress; the main strategic objectives and principles at national level; the legal framework; eGovernment actors, roles and responsibilities; eGovernment infrastructure; and eGovernment services for citizens and businesses.
For more information:
- All factsheets and infographics (by NIFO on the Joinup.ec.europa.eu Website)
- ISA² (Website)