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Area of Policy Recommendation Responsible Actors Policy Recommendation Nr. of Roadmap Action Funding Requirements Leagal Requirements Research Requirements
Trust and Transparency National policy makers, National legislators Implementation of a national solution for the data subject’s consent of data sharing including the right to withdraw it TTA.1, TTA.4, OA.5, OA.6 Provide financial support for the research activities and the actual implementation Research activities to identify appropriate solutions for the consent of data sharing, including the right to withdraw it and for the development of a clear concept
Organisational Interoperability National policy makers, National legislators Establish appropriate organizational structures for OOP implementations and including NCPs OA.2, OA.8 Fund research on best suitable organisational structures for OOP implementations Conduct research on best suitable organisational structures for OOP implementations.
Semantic Interoperability EU policy makers, EU legislators Entering and creating more bilateral digital learning agreements between EU universities OA.10 Provide financial resources, in form of an EU-project, in order to create further bilateral digital learning agreements Research and identify further bilateral digital learning agreements between EU universities with the participation of relevant actors
Interoperability Governance EU policy makers, EU legislators Implementation of EU-wide enablers and infrastructures on EU level (according to technical level) IGA.2, IGA.3 Provide financial support for the member states in order to fully implement eID on national level Support/coordination the research activities on national level in order that the member states implement all components of eID
Data protection and privacy EU policy makers, EU legislators Implementation of the common data protection standards for cross-border data exchange DPA.1 Financial support for the research activities to implement common data protection standards Research activities to identify national common data protection standards (in accordance with the GDPR) for coherent cross-border data exchange