New study: Universal eID for students across all EU member states?
The Study on Cross-border Use of eID and Authentication Services to support student mobility and access to student services in Europe was just released and provides insights into what the future of student mobility could look like in the EU - enabling further once-only implementations to reduce the administrative burden for students to be exact.
The study focuses on the feasibility of eID and other authentication services which are eIDAS compliant to support student mobility and digital access to student services across EU Member States. The study assesses the technological solutions and standards used for providing access to these services and presents a cross-border pilot scenario based on eIDAS compliant solutions. Its main objectives are to review the current use of student e-cards or other eID solutions across the 28 EU Member States. It also analyzes technological solutions and standards in place for offering access to student services and checks the feasibility of piloting a European-wide student eCard or another eID solution.
The main outcomes of this feasibility study consist of:
- an analysis of the types of barriers for the wider adoption of a student e-card or other similar eIDAS compliant eID solution for cross-border access to student services. These barriers are considered from various perspectives: legal, economic, technical or semantic, and organisational
- the identification of the key elements for piloting eIDAS compliant eID solutions providing access to cross-border student services
These outcomes will contribute to the further implementation of the EU Student eCard initiative by the European Commission, DG CONNECT.
For more information:
- 'Feasibility study on cross-border use of eID and Authentication Services (eIDAS compliant) to support student mobility and access to student services in Europe' (EU Publications, 2018)
- 'Study on Cross-border Use of eID and Authentication Services to support student mobility and access to student services in Europe' (European Commission News, 28.03.2018)