General Information

OOP Enabling Infrastructure
SPD is the data transmitter application for the Aragon region in Spain. It provides services to other platforms, such as the platform intermediation MINHAP. Currently, it puts at the disposal of administrations data of disability.
OOP aspect
SPD puts at the disposal of administrations data of disability / verification of certificates of disability.
Short summary
SPD provides access to various data in the Aaragon region so that they can be distributed and consulted via the platform intermediation MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public administrations).
The current version of SPD puts at the disposal of applications the inclusive service for consultation and verification of certificates of disability. To obtain the data of disability, the application SPD must be integrated cone the database schema DSCP data, property that allows the import of disability data to the database of the Aragonese Institute of social services (IASS), which is responsible for the maintenance of data. It is foreseen that more services will be added.
Nature and status of project
Rolled Out


Data handler
Stakeholder name
Aaragon Government
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data provider
Stakeholder name
Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Aragonese Institute of social services (IASS)
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Database owner
The following describes generically the parties involved in the consultation process of disability.
- Application Java:
- CORE component: provides a range of services, to provide data to the platform brokering and EPS MINHAP. currently provides consulting services and verification of disabilities. Data gets integrating with the database schema DSCP data, owned by the Aragonese Institute of social services (IASS).
- Petitions and schemas SCSPv3 follow the scheme of the platform of intermediation.
- ADMIN component: provides a portal of administration for SPD to manage, configure and configure both the CORE component as the ADMIN from the parameters of the table SPD _ CONFIGURATION.
- Stored Procedures:
- Logic audit of data: there is also a stored procedure to audit data both requests as responses generated. An audit, among other things the hash of the request and response. The stored procedure responsible for auditing must also make use of a stored procedure belonging to the database schema DSCP data, owned by the Aragonese Institute of social services (IASS) which manages the generation of Hash of a string. This implies a correct allocation of roles and privileges to level of database, to access from a stored procedure of SPD to another of DSCP.

For the design of the system architecture SPD have continued design patterns are most widespread architectures J2EE in different layers. The layers of the application are:
- Layer of Presentation: to interact with the user and presenting information. to this layer has chosen the framework Struts2 which implements the widespread pattern of design MVC or Modelo-Vista-Controlador. Still:
- View: JSP's
- Model: different Actions defined
- Driver: Dispatcher provided by the framework Struts2
- Negocio-Servicios layer: for the business layer uses the framework of Spring to inject dependencies. Web services are developed in technology Axis2 using XSD WSDL and clearly defined previously. It generates the code associated to these web services through a methodology top-down (code generation from wsdl through the tool wsdl2java). Moreover it publishes the service with CXF configuration.
- Layer of access to Data: on time, for the management of the layer of data uses the framework Hibernate with the use of the pattern of DAO design. The rest of interaction with the database is via PL / SQLs.

For the correct functioning of the PL / SQL implemented, it is necessary that the database and the user has enabled the following module:

External components that interacts with are:
- Platform of Electronic Signature (ASF)
- System of identification of users (SIU)
- Platform for authorization of users (PAU)
- Service of Disabilities (DSCP)

The application has been developed according to the technical characteristics of environments as follows:
- Sun Solaris systems
- Application server Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3
- Database server Oracle Database 10g Release 2 RAC
- Driver thin JDBC of Database Connection: Oracle JDBC Driver 10.1.0