General Information

OOP Enabling Infrastructure
The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform that provides as services the verification and the provision of citizens data and certificates, such as identity or the residence data of a citizen.
OOP aspect
When a citizen requests a public service, he does not have to provide all corresponding data, documents and certificates as they can be retrieved through the platform. Thus, citizens data, documents and certificates have to be created only once and consequently reused when they are required for the completion of an administrative procedure.
Short summary
The web-services of the platform are provided through the SARA network (Red SARA). Some examples of the data that are made available or verified through the platform are: identity data, residence data, unemployment benefits, official educational titles, payment of social security, payment of taxes, cadastral data, consultation service of public benefits, consultation service of birth, consultation service of marriage, consultation service of death, lack of criminal record. By 2016, more than 75 services became available through the platform.
Start date
Nature and status of project
Rolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?



Type of data sharing
Actual data
Data handler
Stakeholder name
MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government)
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Secretariat for Public Administration
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
General Secretariat for Digital Administration
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Functional description
The functions that have been integrated are the following:
Authentication: Identification of the users who access the service through electronic certificate.
Authorisations management: public employees and applications have access only to the subset of data that have the authorisation.
Security: All queries are carried out with full guarantees of security, confidentiality and data protection.
- All requests are signed (XMLDsig) with electronic certificate (X509 v3).
- The system registers all the consultations, identifying that are made by an authorised public servant and / or application (through electronic certificate), the time of such consultation (sealed in time) and the purposes for which have been made.
- The system ensures the integrity of the data registered through the use of electronic signature.
- The system ensures the confidentiality of data exchanged. All communications are made through the SARA network utilizing the SSL protocol.
Traceability: Every request and the corresponding reply is recorded in the system with the consequent electronic signature and time-stamping.
Audit: All requests are identified with a unique identifier, which allows its subsequent recovery before any claims or audits of service.
Delegated administration: To facilitate the management of users the system allows that each agency might have an administrator responsible for the local management.

Technical Description
The platform is defined as a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform based on the following elements:
- Functions through web services expressed in WSDL.
- XML Documents exchanged between web services (Simple Object Access Protocol - SOAP) and signed electronically through XMLDsig
- Establishment of safe channels between participants through SSL protocol.
- Use of electronic certificates issued by certification service providers.
- Sealed in time (TSA) of the logs of queries and answers.

Use of other services
The platform makes use of the following existing services:
- Patterns of exchange of information between administrations, defined in the project for Paper Certificates (SCSP)
- Validation and certification services (@firma)
- Services of time-stamping (TSA)
External impacts
Reduction in the volume of papers to manage and store, avoiding nearly 30 millions photocopies per year.