
Transparency is an essential issue in order to accept a public service. This needs political commitments, and regulations to ensure legal interoperability as well as technical infrastructures that facilitate them.  At the end, data subject should be able to see whom, when, and why access their personal data.


In Emergency situations, when patient cannot provide data sharing consent to the pharmacy. They should be able to access to the patient's ePrescription to provide emergency services.


Patients should be able to see their up-to-date medical data as well as to check whom, when, and why access their personal and medical data. This is currently facilitated for Estonian patient; though, it should be implemented in all other Member States as well.


Data subjects' consent is essential requirement for data sharing on both domestic and EU level. This is not facilitated by current infrastructures. In this scenario, patient should be able to provide consent for data sharing to the specific pharmacy in the foreign country.


The patients should be able to forbid doctors and other data consumers in this scenario to access their health information. In Estonia, patients may do this on patient portal


This scenario emphasise on the issue of the birth certificate. Further development of the scenario to including extra procedures such as automatic allowance of child benefit from the home country or payment in the hospital could further motivation citizens.


Legal, semantic, organisational, and technical interoperability enablers are needed for seamless interoperability between different entities. Moreover, all these interoperability enablers should match each other's. (Lack of harmony between different interoperability enablers could threat smooth interoperability)


Participating bodies often exchange information basis on the bilateral agreements. It would be better to standardise these contracts and open the services on basis of multilateral SLA.