SCOOP4C Workshop: "Transparent Citizen by Default?" on April 26th in Brussels, Belgium

Mon, 5 Mar 2018

Protecting personal data of citizens is one of the most important factors in implementing the once-only principle. In this stakeholder workshop we would like to discuss how secure data exchange and privacy and trust concerns can be addressed when implementing the once-only principle. Additionally, we will explore legal frameworks supporting the once-only principle in these matters such as the Single Digital Gateway (SDGR) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

We would like to specifically invite stakeholders from the civil sector such as NGOs to participate in this workshop and collaborate with us to find new, innovative solutions to data protection issues.

Time and Location

Date: 26th April 2018
Venue: Informatie Vlaanderen, Avenue du Port 88, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


To register, please contact us here or directly via email.


You can find all presentations of the different speakers in our section "Presentations and Publications" in the section Project Materials on our website.


April 26th, 09:00-17:00 o´clock

Session 1: Opening and introduction to the once-only principle 


Welcome Note
Geert Mareels, Informatie Vlaanderen, Belgium 


Once-only as means of administrative simplification in Belgium 
David Baele, Chancellerie du Premier Ministre, Belgium 


European policies on the once-only principle
Serge Novaretti, European Commission 


Introduction of the once-only principle and the projects SCOOP4C and TOOP
Maria A. Wimmer, project coordinator SCOOP4C, University of Koblenz-Landau; Alexandrs Cepilovs, TOOP project manager, Tallinn University of Technology


Coffee break

Session 2: Privacy and once-only 


Presentation on privacy, data protection and trust concerns 
Jesper Lund, IT-Political Association of Denmark (member of EDRi) 


Panel discussion on privacy and once-only
Jesper Lund, IT-Political Association of Denmark (member of EDRi); Serge Novaretti, European Commission; David Baele, Chancellerie du Premier Ministre, Belgium; Alexandrs Cepilovs, Tallinn University of Technology; Prof. Maria Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau


Lunch break 

Session 3: European regulatory setup for once-only


Single Digital Gateway and once-only 
Fleur Breuillin, European Commission 


Once-only under the light of the GDPR
Hans Graux, Timelex 


Discussion facilitated by interactive question tool 


Introduction to the world café session 


Coffee break 

Session 4: Soft factors of the once-only principle for a roadmap of future areas of actions 


World café + plenary session 


Wrap up and next steps 
Maria A. Wimmer, project coordinator SCOOP4C