General Information

OOP Enabling Infrastructure
The Interoperability Centre (IC) aims at the interconnection and integration of the electronic public services based on the once only principle. The core of the IC is an Enterprise Service Bus, which provides the infrastructure for the installation and reuse of web services.
OOP aspect
The utilisation of the installed web services facilitates the interchange of data (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) between the Ministry of Finance, where the IC has been installed, and other public administration organisations. Thus, OOP, interoperability, the reuse of data and the reuse of web services are promoted. Examples of web-services installed at the IC that could potentially facilitate an OOP case are the following:
• Confirmation of a citizen's details, provided by the Ministry of Finance
• Request and receipt of a citizen's criminal record, provided by the Ministry of Justice
Short summary
The Interoperability Centre (IC) of the Ministry of Finance is an Information System that has been developed by the General Secretary of Information Systems and Administrative Support. Its main objective is the interconnection and integration of the electronic public services based on the once only principle. The core of the IC is an Enterprise Service Bus – ESB, which provides the infrastructure for the installation and reuse of web services. The utilization of the installed web services facilitates the interchange of data (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) between the Ministry of Finance, where the IC has been installed, and other public administration organisations. Thus, interoperability, the once only principle, the reuse of data and the reuse of web services are promoted. The IC aspires to become the “hub” of Greek public administration. It puts emphasis on data security and thus provides a secure electronic environment for uninterrupted operation. Operational or administrative data are not stored by the IC, in order to ensure the protection of personal or other classified data.
The components of IC are a module for the management of interoperability requests by public organizations; the electronic platform for the management and support of web services (Enterprise Service Bus-ESB); the common guide for the implementation of web services; and the policy for the correct (legal) usage of web services.
Start date
Nature and status of project
Rolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?


Political commitment
Partnership agreement between General Secreteriat of Information Systems and Independent Authority of Public Revenue

A partnership agreement between General Secreteriat of Information Systems and Independent Authority of Public Revenue must be signed for the provision of a number of web services that provided in cooperation with both parties.
Partnership agreement between General Secreteriat of Information Systems and any other Public Authority who wish to provide its web service through the
infrastructure of KE.D. (I.C.)

Α partnership agreement between General Secreteriat of Information Systems and any other Public Authority must be signed for the provision of a number of web services that provided in cooperation with both parties.
Socio-cultural influence factors
The project reinforces data reusability, data accessibility based on the adoption of privacy rules as well as high security standards, monitoring of every data operations, monitoring of public administrations applications for data provision and data exchange. The benefit is that I.C. works like a data hub for all members of Greek public administration through hosting and provision of web services into a single point. It assures a unified manner of data exchange through all parties of Greek public sector as well as other involved parties (such as banks, companies etc).


Type of data sharing
Actual data
Confirmation of a status, group/class membership
Data handler
Stakeholder name
Ministry of Finance
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Public Organisations
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data provider
Stakeholder name
Public Organisations
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data consumer
Stakeholder name
Private firms
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data subject
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Data interchange between public administration organisations could be achieved by either of the following mechanisms:
1) sharing of data (access by secure environment for officials only),
2) provision of data linkage and orchestration through web service combination when building compount services.
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