The dissemination report year 1 provides a report on dissemination activity of the project Stakeholder Community Once-Only Principle for Citizens (SCOOP4C) of the first year of the project runtime. It includes the external communication and dissemination plan and sums up the results of the initial and frequent communication and dissemination activities as well as the adjustments that have been made during the first project year to the dissemination and communication plan. SCOOP4C has established a number of online and offline communication tools, like the project website, a regular newsletter, a constant communication on SCOOP4C's social media channels and project brochures. The project has also been to a number of third-party events and organized three stakeholder workshops during the first year. To measure the performance key performance indicators (KPI) have been used to adapt the communication and dissemination strategy and to optimise the impact. The analysis of the KPI´s shows that the communication strategy has been effective in the first year of the project.

Submitted to the Commission: 07.11.2017

Language: EN

Internal document, restricted to the consortium