General Information
OOP Enabling Infrastructure
XAusländer describes a standardised data exchange format based on XML. It includes the data concerning all aspects of foreign nationals exchanged between local foreign affairs offices and communication partners.
OOP aspect
The XAusländer standard has been used amongst local foreign affairs offices since November 2011 and between local foreign affairs offices and registration offices since November 2012. From November 2013, in its role of a communication partner, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) will exchange data concerning integration with local foreign affairs offices using the standard and the Federal Office's own InGe (integration transaction file) application. A year later, communication between local foreign affairs offices and the providers of basic social security (the job centre at the Federal Employment Agency and the unemployment benefit II agency) was to follow. Further plans from 2015 include the expansion of the local foreign affairs offices' communications with the Register of Foreign Nationals. Foreign citizens need to provide their information to a local foreign affairs office, once. Organizations like registration office, registration of foreign nations, administrative courts, federal employment agency and all others who deal with foreign citizens communicate this information among themselves without asking for it again. Both citizens and authorities have accepted these regulations and procedures.
Nature and status of project
Rolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?
Legal interoperability
German basic law on community tasks and administrative cooperation N91,
The legal basis for these can be found in Art. 91c of the Basic Law in conjunction with § 99, section 1, no. 15 of the Residence Act and § 76a of the Residence Regulation.
Certificate of XÖV conformity issued by IT-Planungsrat,;jsessionid=C05B356B25F2F124718AD697C3E10120.1_cid368?__blob=publicationFile%09%09%09%09%09%09%09
The legal basis for these can be found in Art. 91c of the Basic Law in conjunction with § 99, section 1, no. 15 of the Residence Act and § 76a of the Residence Regulation.
Certificate of XÖV conformity issued by IT-Planungsrat,;jsessionid=C05B356B25F2F124718AD697C3E10120.1_cid368?__blob=publicationFile%09%09%09%09%09%09%09
Socio-cultural influence factors
Foreign citizens need to provide their information to a local foreign affairs office, once. Organizations like registration office, registration of foreign nations, administrative courts, federal employment agency and all others who deal with foreign citizens communicate these information among themselves without asking for it again. These regulations and procedures have been accepted by both citizens and authorities.
Type of data sharing
Actual data
Data handler
Stakeholder name
Foreign citizens
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Local foreign affairs
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Registration offices
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Federal Employment Agency
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
Stakeholder category
Image upload

Lessons learned
The establishment of XAuslander ensures that:
- all recorded data is to be made available for federal authorities
- all data provided by citizens conforms to the technical requirements and standards and it is compatible, therefore it can be used in digital procedures and case processing.
XAuslander also support efficiency improvements and ensure the full exploitation if the data by public authorities.
- all recorded data is to be made available for federal authorities
- all data provided by citizens conforms to the technical requirements and standards and it is compatible, therefore it can be used in digital procedures and case processing.
XAuslander also support efficiency improvements and ensure the full exploitation if the data by public authorities.