General Information
OOP Enabling Infrastructure
Suite @firma is a set of components aiming at promoting and facilitating the introduction of electronic signature and authentication in public administration.
OOP aspect
The @firma platform provides services for the generation and the validation of electronic signature in multiple domains, which is an important enabler for OOP.
Short summary
Suite @firma is a set of components aiming at promoting and facilitating the introduction of electronic signature and authentication in public administration. Each component is offered as a service or as a client application. One of the main components is @firma platform.
@firma is a platform providing services, among others, for the generation and the validation of electronic signature in multiple domains. Electronic signatures, using electronic certificates, are essential elements for the secure operation of information systems in public administration. Thus, many countries have adopted a Public Key Infrastructure - PKI scheme for managing electronic signatures. However, it could be quite complex and costly for an information system to support all different kinds of electronic signatures based on various different standards. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration offers the platform @firma that supports a PKI scheme in multiple domains (multi-PKI). @firma is available to public administrations, providing services of authentication and advanced electronic signature quickly and effectively. Furthermore, @firma suite offers additional functionalities and components as for example time-stamping, a client that can be used by the users or public administrations, a renderer for signed documents, etc.
Using @firma a public administration has multiple benefits, as for example the generation and validation of electronic signatures in multiple formats.
@firma is a platform providing services, among others, for the generation and the validation of electronic signature in multiple domains. Electronic signatures, using electronic certificates, are essential elements for the secure operation of information systems in public administration. Thus, many countries have adopted a Public Key Infrastructure - PKI scheme for managing electronic signatures. However, it could be quite complex and costly for an information system to support all different kinds of electronic signatures based on various different standards. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration offers the platform @firma that supports a PKI scheme in multiple domains (multi-PKI). @firma is available to public administrations, providing services of authentication and advanced electronic signature quickly and effectively. Furthermore, @firma suite offers additional functionalities and components as for example time-stamping, a client that can be used by the users or public administrations, a renderer for signed documents, etc.
Using @firma a public administration has multiple benefits, as for example the generation and validation of electronic signatures in multiple formats.
Start date
Cross-border EU
Nature and status of project
Rolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?
Legal interoperability
Law 11 / 2007
It rules citizens’ right to access government services by electronic means.
It rules citizens’ right to access government services by electronic means.
Type of data sharing
Actual data
Data handler
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder type
Stakeholder role
Kind of data
Stakeholder name
MINHAP (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government)
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Suite @firma includes various services and components as it is shown below:
Shared services
@firma: platform for the validation of certificates and signatures, offered as a service from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government.
TS@ authority of time-stamping: Authority of time-stamping.
Stork: recognition of pan-European electronic identities (it is an EU project).
@firma Model: Province. Offered to be installed in any Public Administration.
@firma client: applet for the generation of signatures. It is available in various formats as for example web browsers applet (miniapplet), as a desktop application, as application for mobile devices (mobile @firma client)
eVisor: web application for the production of copies and reports for signed documents
Port@firmas: component for the integration of the electronic signature mechanisms in an organisational workflow. It is also available in a format to cooperate with mobile applications (mobile port@firma)
Integr@: libraries for the integration of @firma in a local server.
Direct services to citizens (portals)
Validate: web application for the validation of signatures and certificates by the end user.
Signature Portal: web portal for the demonstration of basic concepts and usage of the electronic signature and electronic certificates.
Cloud solutions
Port@firmas by SARA Network: component for the integration of the electronic signature mechanisms in an organisational workflow offered as a service by the network SARA.
Specifications for electronic signatures and certificates: guidelines and technical standards applicable to the use of certificates and electronic signatures in the General Administration of the State.
Shared services
@firma: platform for the validation of certificates and signatures, offered as a service from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the national government.
TS@ authority of time-stamping: Authority of time-stamping.
Stork: recognition of pan-European electronic identities (it is an EU project).
@firma Model: Province. Offered to be installed in any Public Administration.
@firma client: applet for the generation of signatures. It is available in various formats as for example web browsers applet (miniapplet), as a desktop application, as application for mobile devices (mobile @firma client)
eVisor: web application for the production of copies and reports for signed documents
Port@firmas: component for the integration of the electronic signature mechanisms in an organisational workflow. It is also available in a format to cooperate with mobile applications (mobile port@firma)
Integr@: libraries for the integration of @firma in a local server.
Direct services to citizens (portals)
Validate: web application for the validation of signatures and certificates by the end user.
Signature Portal: web portal for the demonstration of basic concepts and usage of the electronic signature and electronic certificates.
Cloud solutions
Port@firmas by SARA Network: component for the integration of the electronic signature mechanisms in an organisational workflow offered as a service by the network SARA.
Specifications for electronic signatures and certificates: guidelines and technical standards applicable to the use of certificates and electronic signatures in the General Administration of the State.