Deliverable 2.1 shows important OOP stakeholders in Europe
By michaela_fuehrerUnder the lead of CERTH, the project team has worked hard on the Del. 2.1. "Identification and mapping of stakeholders". The report analyses recent literature on the subject, including not only OOP literature, but also other relevant EU developments, i.e. the recent EU regulation on personal data protection (GDPR), the European Interoperability Framework, and life events. The findings show that in essence the whole society is involved in OOP implementation, that stakeholders may operate under specific roles in relation to OOP and that these roles are not yet clearly defined.
The deliverable can be accessed under the section project materials, where you can also finde more deliverables and all presentations of our workshops.
The analysis of stakeholders involved in existing OOP implementations across Europe include 30 OOP cases from nine MS. The result is a detailed description of
- the different types of individuals involved in OOP, acting as data subjects and sometimes as data recorders;
- the registries holding data needed in OOP implementations including data types and registry owners;
- and the public and private entities involved in OOP acting as data providers and/or data consumers.
One major result is the definition of stakeholder roles as these have been finally formulated in the project. Nine roles have been defined for OOP stakeholders, i.e. data subject, database owner, data controller, data processor, data supervisor, data consumer, data provider, data recorder and data aggregator. The roles have been mapped in a UML use case diagram for clearer depiction of responsibilities.
Furthermore, two generic stakeholder maps for the identified stakeholders are presented: One map is in the format of a graphical stakeholder model, mapping the different stakeholder roles and types under four layers, i.e. the infrastructure level, the data exchange level, the legal level and the policy level. The other map is in the format of a matrix, mapping the different stakeholder roles and types with key characteristics, i.e. key concerns, burden reduction, duties/obligations, and requirements on data quality.
Finally, the deliverable presents a specialisation of the identified stakeholders in the four domains where OOP is being most commonly practiced, i.e. education, health, taxation and social protection. In each domain a stakeholder matrix is provided analysing in detail the specific stakeholders involved in each examined case and their characteristics, as well as a graphical stakeholder map as a synthesis of findings, depicting the main stakeholders of the domain, the roles they undertake and the interactions among them.