General Information

OOP Case
The Online Service Portal offers to the citizens of the FVG Region the opportunity to access to a number of healthcare, registry and tax-related services switching from one service to the other without inserting multiple times data related to the same event.
OOP synonym
Online Health Services
Short summary
The Online Service Portal offers to the citizens of the FVG Region the opportunity to access to a number of healthcare, registry and tax-related services, authenticating to a single access point and switching from one service to the other without inserting multiple times data related to the same event. In particular, the citizens can:
- book a healthcare service provided they have the (paper or digital) medical prescription;
- consult the waiting lists of all public and affiliated healthcare providers in the Region;
- choose the provider and manage the appointment (e.g., changing structure and/or date);
- receive an sms with the detailed booking log;
- pay online for the healthcare service; later on, access to the healthcare report on line (when available from the );
- change GP/paediatrician;
- obtain certifications from the registry (family composition, residence, ...);
- pay for school canteen service and check the payment status;
- access tax documents and check the payment status.
Start date
Nature and status of project
Rolled Out
Is the OOP case/enabler mandatory?


Political commitment
Title of document:
- SISSR (Regional Social Healthcare Information System) plan, issued by Regional Government

Type of commitment:
- Insiel, as in house company, has a specific framework agreement with the Friuli

The Regional Government, through the Regional Information System Department, monitors the implemetation of the annual operational plan and its compliance with the Strategic Plan.


Type of data sharing
Actual data
Data handler
Stakeholder name
Region FVG
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data subject
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data provider
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Data consumer
Stakeholder name
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Database owner
Stakeholder name
Income Revenue Authority
Stakeholder category
Stakeholder Role
Database owner
Further stakeholders
Data shared by the stakeholders:

- Personal data (included fiscal code and contact data);
- Healthcare providers data
- Healthcare services list
- Waiting time of the healthcare services
- Availability calendar of each healthcare provider,
- Prescription code;
- Financial data (healthcare service price list)
- Healthcare reports
The online service portal aggregates different online services, an example is the booking of healthcare services. The logical flow in this case is as follows:
- user inserts the prescription code: the system recognizes the prescribed examination and the user fiscal code, and redirects the user to the calendar of available dates for the examination in the regional healthcare structures
- user selects date and structure: the system allocates the date in the centralised booking system and generates a booking code. The examination can now be paid by the user.
Once this procedure is complete, the user can change date of the booked examination or pay for it, just communicating the booking code.
Alternatively, by autenticating to the online service portal with the CRS, the user accesses:
- the list of booked examinations
External impacts
The transition from the “traditional procedure”, based on paper use and physical relationship between public administration and citizens, to a “digital procedure” needs a political commitment that include the will to adopt new regulations and to invest in IT infrastructure, IT services and information campaign for citizens. Moreover, on one side it is crucial to enable public operators and citizens to use a new procedure, through needed devices and training or instructions, on the other side it is crucial to implement a cultural campaign to communicate to the target groups, in this case the citizens, that the new procedure guarantees the same data protections, the same quality of data like in the traditional procedure, so it is crucial to establish a new form of “trust” between citizens and Public Authority.
Lessons learned
The lessons learned are: to push the use of the on line procedure it is necessary to tailor the information campaign for different target group of citizens. The citizens that usually use Internet and social media will be reached more easily than those don’t use Internet and IT devices. It is crucial to organize the information campaign through the involvement of all stakeholders (GPS, pharmacies, public help desks) as facilitator to mainstreaming the new procedure.