General Information

OOP Enabling Infrastructure
The Personal Public Service Number (PPS number) is a unique reference number that helps access social welfare benefits, public services and information in Ireland.
Short summary
The Personal Public Service Number (PPS number) is a unique reference number that helps access social welfare benefits, public services and information in Ireland.
Before a PPS number can be allocated, it must be shown that it is needed for a transaction with a specified body. For example, for taking up employment, a PPS number is needed to register with the Revenue Commissioners. However, looking for work is not a transaction with a specified body and employers should not look for a PPS number when recruiting. An employer should only seek a PPS number if a person is actually taking up employment with the organisation.
A list of State agencies that use PPS numbers to identify individuals is found on the Department of Social Protection's website.
A PPS number is always 7 numbers followed by either one or two letters.
The PPS number was known as the Revenue and Social Insurance (RSI) number and certain numbers have to be changed.
Nature and status of project
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Socio-cultural influence factors
The personal public service number is useful to provide secure access to all social welfare services.
It can be use as pupil’s ID and for using the free travel pass. Moreover, this unique number used in public health services such as medical card and drug payment scheme.
In addition, this number is using in the theory test for issuing driving license. It used in schemes run by the Revenue Commissioners, such as mortgage interest relief. The PPS number is used in many different programs including child immunisation and housing grants.


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